Language Arts - Literature

Students read and examined tales from international and national authors. They first researched elements of writing, types of narration, styles of characters, the time in which the tale took place, the location, and the social-cultural context. Afterwards they used the GigaPan to photograph themselves as they represented the author’s vision. Students had to represent characters so they dressed themselves up as their particular character would.  They decided to act out a scenario and with roles in place used the GigaPan to record the scene. When the GigaPan finished the recording the images were uploaded to the GigaPan Dialogues Community education website. Students shared the GigaPan image with other classrooms that in turn did the same.

If you have access to the site, find more details here:

Language Arts - Writing

The purpose of this project is to help students write descriptively through collaboration and discussion. Students will be looking at local areas and giving accurate descriptions that bridge the gap between writing and detailed, descriptive writing by looking at local environments. Students will be able to relate this to their own life through the content.

If you have access to the site, find more details here: